The 12 Signs & Astrology Basics
There are 12 Zodiac Signs
These can be divided into smaller groups.
The main groups the 12 signs are divided into are the Elements, the Modalities, and the Polarities.
If you are at the beginning of your astrology learning journey, dividing the 12 signs into smaller groups is where The Scope Scoop recommends you start.
There are many reasons for this, but most significantly, it helps us to learn about the 12 signs as parts within a whole system that contains many overlapping layers. This is a much more accurate and nuanced understanding of how the 12 signs function and can be interpreted in astrology than simply memorizing some stereotypical traits of each of the 12 signs.
This article explores the Twelve Signs by taking a deeper look at the Four Elements, Three Modalities, and Two Polarities of the Zodiac. First, there is a basic explanation of what these layers are and how they overlap. Then, we take a deep dive into each (Elements, Modalities, Polarities).
The Groups of the Zodiac
There are 4 Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, & Water
There are 3 Modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, & Mutable
There are 2 Polarities: Positive (Yang/Masculine*) & Negative (Yin/Feminine*)
An asterisk (*) is used next to “masculine” and “feminine” to illustrate their energetic rather than cultural connotation (i.e., these are energies rather than gender- or biology- based norms).
The 4 Elements each have 3 Signs (1 in each Modality)
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The 3 Modalities each have 4 Signs (1 in each Element)
Cardinal: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Mutable: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
The 2 Polarities each have 6 Signs (2 Elements in each Polarity)
Yin: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Yang: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
The Scoop on the Four Elements
Fire Signs: Action-Oriented
Aries: cardinal fire, the first sign of the zodiac, the Ram, ruled by Mars
Leo: fixed fire, the fifth sign of the zodiac, the Lion, ruled by the Sun
Sagittarius: mutable fire, the ninth sign of the zodiac, the Archer, ruled by Jupiter
When fire energy is dominant (in a person or transit), there is a need to achieve things, and an ability to summon incredible bravery and drive to act (for Aries: competition, Leo: realization, Sagittarius: questing).
Fire signs are known for their “spark” and for being able to “light up” a room, and both of these terms illustrate the “fieriness” of their character. Fire has been the basis of human power for thousands of years, and these signs are concerned with finding and using their true power.
In English, the only word to describe someone who seeks power is a “megalomaniac,” but the urge to seek power is a neutral trait, megalomania is just its most negative manifestation. Fire signs can seek to find their inner power, the flame that burns within them, this is why they are deeply concerned with manifesting passionate actions in their lives.
Earth Signs: Intuition-Oriented
Taurus: fixed earth, the second sign of the zodiac, the Bull, ruled by Venus
Virgo: mutable earth, the sixth sign of the zodiac, the Virgin, ruled by Mercury
Capricorn: cardinal earth, the tenth sign of the zodiac, the Goat, ruled by Saturn
When earth energy is dominant (in a person or transit), there is a need to connect to nature, and an understanding of the divine within nature (for Taurus: the beauty, Virgo: the logic, Capricorn: the systems).
Earth signs are known for being "grounded" and for having strong "roots," and both of these terms illustrate the "earthliness" of their character. Earth means matter, and these signs are concerned with the material (matter-real) world.
Materialism is a neutral trait, despite its negative connotations in consumer societies (which represent the climax of materialism), and earth signs are fully materialistic in that they often need "tangible proof" and also enjoy material things. This is why earth energy dominance emphasizes science and economics.
Air Signs: Thought-Oriented
Gemini: mutable air, the third sign of the zodiac, the Twins, ruled by Mercury
Libra: cardinal air, the seventh sign of the zodiac, the Scales, ruled by Venus
Aquarius: fixed air, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, the Water Bearer, ruled by Uranus
When air energy is dominant (in a person or transit), there is a need to think about things and be intellectually stimulated, and a keen ability to communicate their thoughts (for Gemini: thinking, Libra: relating, Aquarius: deepening).
Air signs are known for sometimes being a bit “air-headed” and for their ability to articulate and argue, sometimes being a bit “contr-air-ian.” Both terms illustrate the “airiness” of their character. Air is abstract, it flows all around us and through us as breath, and these signs are concerned with the ethereal and vibrational.
In English, the word “air-head” is meant as an insult, but being able to understand abstract concepts is a neutral trait with both positive and negative manifestations. Air signs are deeply concerned with everything, thus can be prone to overthinking and intellectualizing their emotions, they have strong powers of communication, but they choose how to use them.
Water Signs: Emotions-Oriented
Cancer: cardinal water, the fourth sign of the zodiac, the Crab, ruled by Moon
Scorpio: fixed water, the eighth sign of the zodiac, the Scorpion, ruled by Pluto
Pisces: mutable water, the twelve sign of the zodiac, the Fish, ruled by Neptune
When water energy is dominant (in a person or transit), there is a need to connect to water, and an understanding of the divine within emotions (for Cancer: moods, Scorpio: authenticity, Pisces: empathy).
Water signs are known for “pouring out” their souls to people and for being able to really "flow," and both of these terms illustrate the "wateriness" of their character. Water is the source of life, and these signs are concerned with the things that make life significant.
Being emotional is a neutral trait, despite centuries of cultural constructs attempting to convince society that it’s negative. Water signs are extremely emotional in that they interpret the world through their emotions and process things emotionally before intellectually, intuitively, or via actions. This is why water dominance emphasizes creative, helping, and healing life paths.
The Scoop on the Three Modalities
The word "modality" means a quality of something that pertains to its "mode" from the Latin "modus" literally meaning "measure" or "style."
Our "modus operandi" is our mode of operation, our way of doing things. The modalities describe these modes for each of the zodiac signs.
Cardinal signs' modus operandi is initiating.
Fixed signs' modus operandi is maintaining.
Mutable signs' modus operandi is evolving.
Cardinal: The Start of the Season
Aries: the beginning of Spring, the start of the astrological new year, the world is being reborn, including us humans, we find the novelty in things and enjoy this 'newness'
Cancer: the beginning of Summer, everything is plentiful and abundant, we seek the others and enjoy togetherness, as things heat up, so do our vibrational energies
Libra: the beginning of Autumn, the harvest brings good tidings and community, but the tone of things also gets a bit more serious with the preparations for the coming winter
Capricorn: the beginning of Winter, there are less hours of sunlight, we are hunkered down, we must work hard and use our energy and resources wisely, we go within
The Aspects Between Cardinal Signs:
Aries & Libra are in opposition to each other. Cancer & Capricorn are in opposition to each other.
Aries & Libra form squares with Cancer & Capricorn. Cancer & Capricorn form squares with Aries & Libra.
Fixed: The Peak of the Season
Taurus: the peak of Spring, we create a home within our new world that makes us comfortable and we are happy to stay within this zone, we work hard to reap the abundance of new life around
Leo: the peak of Summer, the sun energizes everything and shines brightly, everything is plentiful, almost too much so, things are hot and heavy, and we need to remember to cool down
Scorpio: the peak of Autumn, the leaves are falling and the nights are getting longer, the temperature is getting cooler, and we are beginning to dread the change of seasons, yet still awaiting it
Aquarius: the peak of Winter, everything alive has retreated into its winter form, the trees are naked and bare, but there is a freedom in this that provides the space for us to be our true Selves
The Aspects Between Fixed Signs:
Taurus & Scorpio are in opposition to each other. Leo & Aquarius are in opposition to each other.
Taurus & Scorpio form squares with Leo & Aquarius. Leo & Aquarius form squares with Taurus & Scorpio.
Mutable: The Change of Seasons
Gemini: the transition of Spring to Summer, the weather is perfect, the world has blossomed and we are exploring everything it has to offer, we are intellectually curious about it
Virgo: the transition of Summer to Autumn, the weather is perfect, the flowers are beginning to die and the leaves are beginning to change, we are ready to change into a new form too
Sagittarius: the transition of Autumn to Winter, the scent of the upcoming first snow fills the air, we have had our harvest and now we are ready for the winter ahead, we are looking forward
Pisces: the transition of Winter to Spring, the last sign of the zodiac year, the cold air stimulates our spirituality, our dreams are more intense, we are in touch with our deeper consciousness
The Aspects Between Mutable Signs:
Gemini & Sagittarius are in opposition to each other. Virgo & Pisces are in opposition to each other.
Gemini & Sagittarius form squares with Virgo & Pisces. Virgo & Pisces form squares with Gemini & Sagittarius.
The Scoop on the Two Polarities
The Classics: Alchemy & Astrology
Before the (fairly recent) discovery of the outer planets, there were only 7 known planets, which were understood as corresponding to the 7 chakras on the body. The sign rulerships changed after discovering the outer planets. This is the main difference between “modern” astrologers and “traditional” astrologers in contemporary Western Astrology. The explanation below is Traditional.
Each planet rules two different signs, usually understood as representing the twin aspects of that planet: masculine* (yang) and feminine* (yin).
The Air/Fire sign in the pair would be the Yang aspect, and the Earth/Water would be the Yin.
Thus, the rulerships are: Sun/Moon (Leo/Cancer), Mercury (Gemini/Virgo), Venus (Libra/Taurus), Mars (Aries/Scorpio), Jupiter (Sagittarius/Pisces), Saturn (Aquarius/Capricorn).
It is important to note that there are and have been many different interpretations, representations, and understandings of how the macrocosm and the microcosm are related. The main differences come from what zodiac the interpreters are using (Tropical or Sidereel), whether they use the classical planets or include 'new' outer planets, and if they incorporate alchemical or other religious/spiritual knowledge to inform their interpretations.
“Sister Signs” & Polarities
The 12 signs in astrology each have one sign that lies exactly opposite it on the astrological wheel (chart). These aspects are called oppositions, and the relationship between these signs is called polarity. Sometimes this is referred to as 'sister signs.'
These are also referred to as axes.
What you see above is a VERY VERY BASIC OUTLINE that is SUPER OVER-GENERALIZED but can be used strictly for learning purposes to help learn what the signs are all about!