Full Moon in Virgo: February 27, 2021
NOTE: The Full Scoop and in-depth version of this article has been posted for the Guided Learning Community on Patreon! If you’d like to really dive deep into the Full Moon and learn more about astrology in general, definitely join! Click here!
The Full Moon is the energetic peak of the Lunar Cycle and the Full Moon in Virgo is the last Full Moon of the astrological year! Generally speaking, the Full Moon is when our emotions can feel like they’re at their most powerful and uncontrollable, so if things feel heightened now, it’s completely normal!
In this article, you’ll get the scoop on the astrology of this Full Moon in Virgo on February 27, 2021.
The Scoop
Release Everything Preventing You From Thriving!
2/27: Full Moon in Virgo @ 03:17 EST
Happy Full Moon! Any lunation in Virgo or Pisces is going to be very important to the physical body as these are the two most sensitive and illness-prone signs in medical astrology. The Virgo-Pisces axis represents the highest level of consciousness on the zodiac because this is the axis of worldview, and our worldviews have already been a major theme of February, which makes this Full Moon the perfect time to release any unhealthy and unhelpful parts of your worldview. We all have been indoctrinated into certain worldviews and as long as they remain unquestioned, we will remain asleep.
The week leading up to this (i.e., the week after Mercury turns direct in Aquarius and is passing over those same degrees again) is perfect for doing this exact questioning and reflecting on/journaling about all of this so that by the time the Full Moon arrives, you’ll be ready to let go of what needs to be let go.
Forgive others for being indoctrinated into a different, seemingly ‘opposite’ worldview to yours (they’re probably not all that different anyway). And, don’t forget to forgive yourself for being indoctrinated in the first place—we are all burdened by the cultural biases and assumptions we grow up within.
Finally, be grateful for the opportunity to see the unity underlying it all! That’s the core lesson of this Full Moon!
This is a special preview of one of the Transit-Based Scope Scoops that Cam writes for each major astrological event in the Monthly Energy Guide. It is available exclusively on Patreon at www.patreon.com/888Collective for the low price of $11.11/month! There is so much other incredible content in these Guides, and make sure to check out the other membership tiers for even more amazingness!
What is a Full Moon?
The Full Moon happens when the Moon moves into exact opposition with the Sun. Astronomically, this means that the Sun’s light is shining on the ‘full’ face of the Moon.
In this photo, which is from our Instagram page @TheScopeScoop (as are most photos we post here), you can see how the opposition visually appears. The Moon is in Virgo, which is exactly opposite where the Sun is in Pisces.
The writing of this image (i.e., "Full Moon, 8°57' of Virgo-Pisces...) is theoretically where the EARTH is. From our perspective here, it looks like everything moves in a circle around us. That circle is the zodiac wheel.
So, we see the cosmos from our perspective on Earth, and from this viewpoint, it appears as if the Moon moves through the ecliptic (the zodiac wheel), just as the Sun and all other planets do. When the Moon opposes the Sun, it is always in the zodiac sign that opposes the zodiac sign that the Sun is in.
When any planet opposes any other planet, they are always in signs that are opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. That means within the 360° circle that is the zodiac wheel, they are exactly 180° apart from each other.
The astrological oppositions include: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, and Virgo-Pisces. Whenever the Sun is in one and the Moon is in the other, we have a Full Moon.
What does this mean?
It means that during Aries season, we can always expect that the Full Moon will be in Libra, because astronomically and astrologically, Aries and Libra are opposite to one another in the Zodiac, so during Aries season (i.e., when the Sun is in Aries), the time where the Moon will be exactly opposite the Sun is the time where the Moon is in Libra. Hence, Full Moon.
The same is true for Taurus season--the Full Moon will always be in Scorpio. Also, Gemini season with a Full Moon in Sagittarius; Cancer season with a Full Moon in Capricorn; Leo season with a Full Moon in Aquarius; Virgo season with a Full Moon in Pisces. Then, once we get to the second half of the zodiac (i.e., from Libra), it switches. So, the same is true for Libra season--the Full Moon will always be in Aries; Scorpio season has a Full Moon in Taurus; Sagittarius season has a Full Moon in Gemini; Capricorn season has a Full Moon in Cancer; Aquarius season has a Full Moon in Leo (which we experienced last month as the first Full Moon of the 2021 Solar Year); and, finally, Pisces season has a Full Moon in Virgo.
Aspects in Astrology 101 (Sneak Peak from Lesson 3!)
There are five major aspects in astrology--these are also known as the Platonic aspects (similar to how math/science has the Platonic solids, and in fact, they're all related within sacred geometry, but that's a whole lesson in itself :D).
These are all listed in the very first pages of the My Cosmic Hero's Journey, in the "Key" of astrological symbols.
To access the rest of this Lesson and all other Lessons, join the Guided Learning Community on Patreon!
The Aspects to this Full Moon in Virgo
Content © TheScopeScoop
There are two main planetary aspects that are influencing this Full Moon.
The first of them involves Uranus and influences this Full Moon directly. This means that Uranus is directly involved (by degree) in the opposition that's happening between the Moon and the Sun, and in fact, is acting as a softening influence over it. This is because the spot where Uranus happens to be located in the Zodiac is in a nice, supportive position to the Sun and the Moon.
What this means is that our INDIVIDUALITY and whatever we feel makes us stand out as individuals can be a MITIGATING FACTOR in any tensions that are currently emerging from the internal conflict that is COMPLETELY NATURAL at the time of the Full Moon.
Another helper during this time is the fact that Mars is trining to Pluto at the time of this Full Moon. This is not directly (i.e., by degree) involved with the Full Moon in the same sense that Uranus's support is. But, it is still having an impact!
Mars trine Pluto is a time where our sexual magnetism is enhanced. This is usually NOT the ideal time to meet a partner, as it is very likely that this partner would be toxic for you in the long-run. But if you are already in a healthy romantic relationship or sexual relationship with someone, this could be a great time to explore some of your "kinkier" interests. If you're single, explore your own kinks with yourself! Honestly, even if you're in a relationship, do this self-pleasure yourself because there's only so much you can really explore with a partner!
This would be an excellent way to channel not only the energy of this Mars trine Pluto but also the Uranus support (i.e., your kinks are DEFINITELY something within your individuality) and also also the general energy of Virgo-Pisces oppositions (the signs that represent the female* archetypes of the Virgin and the Crone).
These are general energetic influences, and remember that they need to be symbolically extrapolated to other realms of your life. If your sexual magnetism and individuality are enhanced in a good, supportive way, for instance, think about how this would affect your work-life! Free yourself from anything that is burdening you and keeping your power trapped or confined in any way!
Although not pictured here, another key aspect that is influencing this Full Moon is still the Saturn square Uranus. So, if things are still tricky, keep paying attention to this aspect (it's going to be with us, in and out, throughout the next 2 years).
Where does this Full Moon fall in your chart?
Check the houses that Virgo and Pisces are in on your chart! These are the realms that are activated. Going deeper…
Do you have any placements on the 8th degree of a sign?
If it's in Virgo, you're going to be feeling the LUNAR influence the most, as this means that whatever that placement is is in conjunction with the Moon. Take time to process your emotions without judging them.
If it's in Pisces, you're going to be feeling the SOLAR influence the most, as this means that whatever that placement is is in opposition to the Moon, in conjunction with the Sun. Get to know your spiritual self on a deeper level.
If your 8th-degree placement is in Gemini or Sagittarius, it is in a SQUARE to both the Sun and the Moon. You need to take action, and you need to make sure that this action is logically-based rather than simply a reaction!
If your 8th-degree placement is in Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, or Scorpio (i.e., if it is in a YIN sign) it is in a TRINE and/or SEXTILE to the Sun and/or Moon. When it doubt, get back to nature: embrace that earth element. Ground yourself and be amazed at what happens.
If it's in Leo, Libra, Aquarius, or Aries, just exhale. There are no major aspects. You'll still be feeling the energy of the Full Moon and the transit aspects that are influencing it, but you won't have something very specifically triggered within your own chart.
Full Moon Ritual
Content © TheScopeScoop
There are a number of different live events and videos that you can attend/watch at the time of the Full Moon. You can also make your own personalized ritual.
The best thing to do is to join the Rose Quartz tier of the 888 Collective’s Patreon (www.patreon.com/888Collective), which gives access to the Sacred Si-Stars New & Full Moon Ceremonies led by the amazing goddess, Ally, of Shanti Community (www.shanticommunity.com). You also get access to all of the 888 Collective’s incredible retreats on the four major seasonal changes of the astrological year. And we happen to have an absolutely incredible Chakra-themed retreat coming up for the Spring Equinox, so mark your calendars for March 13-20, 2021!
The main general routes that you can take for creating your own personal ritual include any combination of the following practices: grounding, forgiveness, releasing, and gratitude.
Because this is the last Full Moon of the astrological year, these four things are absolutely essential if you want to have any hope of clearing out the energy of the old to make way for the energy of the new. We seriously cannot emphasize the importance of this enough.
All of the specific details regarding the rituals around these four practices (which you can do anytime, but which are especially important for the Full Moon) have been outlined in last month's Full Moon in Leo Scoop.
But, if you are crazy busy and/or do not have the emotional or energetic space for a full ritual or even to do these practices, let us give you a quick 5-minute check-in you can do for every Full Moon.
1. Grab literally anything natural--it can really be anything, such as a plant you have in your house, a piece of grass or a stick you've collected from outside, etc.
2. Touch this natural thing. Remind yourself that you, too, are a natural thing.
3. Ask the natural thing the three questions in the image above: What pattern needs to stop repeating? Whom do I need to forgive? What am I grateful for?
4. Do not answer these questions with your mind, simply ask the natural thing you are holding.
5. If you're feeling this and still have some time, go ahead and jot down anything that came to you. Make three lists, one for forgiveness, one for releasing, and one for gratitude.
6. If you're feeling it, read this list out loud to the Full Moon. Then, either burn or bury it!
That's it! You've done a ritual! Yay! See how easy it is?
Happy Full Moon to all of you and as always, if you have any questions, you can book a Cosmic Question reading with Cam!
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